Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Questions for 2/16

1. What do the photos mean to Eggleston? Who can really say what the pictures to mean to Eggleston but Eggleston himself?  If I had to guess I would say that the things he took pictures of he thought were important to document; they could have been important to him in some way, or important for future generations to know about.

2. What do they mean to you? To mean they represent the simplicity of life and childhood in some cases.  They had to be important to someone for them to be taken, but they also show the viewer that life isn't always about big cars and diamonds.

3. What does it mean to be a viewer of Eggleston's photos? (What does it mean to view something that you know has a personal meaning to someone else, but not know what exactly that meaning is?) It means that the photos can be interpreted by you no matter what the photographer was intending. Everything means something to someone else; we don't all see things differently. If we knew what Eggleston was thinking or feeling, then we wouldn't be able to interpret the photos for ourselves.

4. What makes these photos ART and not just snapshots? (why should we care?) These photos are ART because they mean something to someone. Someone put thought into what would make the photo a good picture and thought it would be important to show to others. 

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